Birgit Fritz - EN
Birgit Fritz (Dr. phil.), drama and theater therapist with a focus on the Sesame Method. Birgit is also a teacher and educator, certified in the Feldenkrais method and systemic-spiritual constellation work according to Siegfried Essen. The roots of her theater work lie in the emancipatory People's Theater of Colombia and Brazil. From 2018 - 2012 she led the open drama therapy group of Gruppe94, a center for people diagnosed with cancer and their relatives. She lives and works in Vienna and, on invitation, as a guest lecturer and trainer in Austria and abroad.
Publications in English: “InExActArt - The Autopoietic Theatre of Augusto Boal - A Handbook of Theatre of the Oppressed Practice”, Ibidem (2012) and on (also available in Slovenian and coming up in Ukrainian), “The Courage to Become: Augusto Boal’s Revolutionarry Politics of the Body”, danzig & unfried (2017)