Mary Smail

Mary Smail is a Dramatherapist and Psychotherapist working as a multi-modal therapist in the UK under the name of SoulWorks UK. She was Director of the Sesame Institute for 25 years now and presently trains and supervises psychotherapy trainees at Re-Vision in London. Mary has lifelong experience of working through story as a crucial part of therapy. She was the Myth Tutor on the MA Sesame training at Royal Central School of Speech  and Drama, London and co-edited the book Dramatherapy with Myth and Fairy Tale – the golden stories of Sesame in 2013. She has contributed chapters to The Routledge International Handbook of Dramatherapy (2016 and The Routledge International Handbook of Therapeutic Stories and Storytelling (2022). She is particularly interested in secular spirituality and the place of the human soul in healing and therapeutic work. She runs her own part time course for registered clinicians – Psyche and Soma – Soulmaking through the Sesame Approach.   She is delighted to be invited to Austria as she has seen The Sound of Music twenty-nine times and loves the mountains.

Mary Smail